If my lack of posting is any indication, we are REALLY enjoying my mom's visit here. Tomorrow will be a sad day to say good-bye. But we won't dwell on that. We've had a wonderful time seeing the sights and doing everyday life together. I have hardly left my mom alone and usually finding myself following her around savoring every moment of conversation and togetherness. She will probably enjoy the peace and solitude after leaving us! It's been over a year and a half since we've seen her; what a treat these three weeks have been.
Evie will miss digging in Grandma's suitcase for Smarties and having her as a roommate (in the morning my mom wakes up to, "Gamma, Gamma, Hi Gamma!" as a blond curly-haired girl peers over her pack-n-play). Sophie will miss Grandma's attention and all the time Grandma spent with her reading books, teaching her to crochet, and listening to Grandma speak "American". Noah loves teasing Grandma and making jokes with her. His soft demeanor will miss Grandma's gentle words and all of the special story times. Calvin will miss the quiet evenings with Grandma softly rubbing his neck and cuddling him.
My mom trying a fresh coconut from a seller passing by our gate.

The broom and feather-duster was passing by too so I was busy bargaining for new brooms.

What a picturesque dining spot! The National Museum in the background and the Mekong River (not pictured) opposite. We enjoyed dinner with Agnes and our teammates, Dale and Nancy. My mom is not in any of these pictures because she had the camera!

Along the dusty road to the new Logos campus we catch glimpses of gorgeous nurseries filled with exotic trees and flowers. We stopped to explore a few.

Not only are gorgeous nurseries part of the tour to school...watch out for the herd of cows ambling down the lane. Helloooo, Bessie!

We had a great time touring Central Market. How about some roasted cockroaches?

Agnes, Mom, and I went to the palace. Here is the building for the king to mount his elephant. Doesn't everybody need one of those?

We have been having some car problems and had to rely on tuk-tuks for a few days. Not to complain though, the views are great and the breeze terrific. Calvin is hidden in the baby carrier.

The road continues to be up and down with sweet Calvin Luke. For a while I was very discouraged as he seemed to be struggling with vision. Often in the morning he would wake up and give a huge grin in response to my voice, yet he would never look at me. It seemed he couldn't find me and would be looking off. He still does seem to have a hard time "finding" us but I do think it is improving. He has small optic nerves which may mean significant vision problems. On the other hand we are SO encouraged that he is having social responses and seems to know his mom and dad and smiles in response to our voice.
He is becoming more roly-poly everyday and has a very sweet and calm demeanor. There is nothing that gives me more happiness these days than a smile on his face and his quiet coos.
Navi and Calvin:

Here's our family at the new Logos:

Thanks for continuing to remember Calvin. Please pray for him. In four weeks I (Kara) will be heading to Bangkok again to meet with the neurologist, ophthalmologist, and pediatrician. I am always nervous about facing the doctors and the hard facts...it's hard and sometimes I'd rather bury my head in the sand and pretend, if just for a while, that everything is well with our sweet little Calvin.

1 comment:
I would just love to kiss his little cheek! Can you do that for me?
Love Mary
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