Thursday, February 11, 2010


And here is our little Van Gogh.
The silence usually means trouble is brewing...
Yes, it did wash off the walls and yes, we will be sticking with crayons from this point onward.


KarenKTeachCamb said...

Thanks for sharing that Kara. It gave me a much needed chuckle, even as I understood the "naughtiness" of it. I'm sure every kid in the world tries this at least once with something. All that clean space, just waiting to be decorated.

Becky said...

My daughter did this when she was smaller too! It was about 48 hrs after I had newly painted our bedroom...she added a few "decorations" to the new wall color! It's true that the longer time goes by the more funny it gets!

Thanks for your message...I will be writing back soon!

Duane and Mary said...

I LOVE this little girl that I never met- I could just eat her up! She reminds me so much of you, Kara! I think she and Judah could make a great piece of art together- she could add the marker and Judah the mud and glue. Thanks so much for sharing... how are you doing with your Mom gone?
Love and prayers,

Sarah said...

Hee hee! LOVE her toes!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills

Andy Joe said...

It really does resemble Van Gogh! :-) I love her little toes!

Heather said...

Ok! Could she be any cuter! I love it!