Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chubby Cheeks Are Good To See

Calvin is gaining weight; those little thighs and cheeks are getting chubby! He is still having trouble feeding but he does well with a bottle. I am pretty sure those smiles are real now. That makes me so happy, not only because they are melt-your-heart cute, but because that is a sign of neurological development.

He is seven weeks now and so far there have been no seizures or alarming signs. The doctors keep telling us it will be years before we can really evaluate his abilities. The newborn brain is very plastic, it can do amazing things...find new routes and ways to do things, compensating for the area that is injured. Right now our job is to stimulate him, cuddle and snuggle him lots, and love him just like you love your child. That's not too hard to do!

Thanks for praying for us! My email inbox is full of encouraging notes...thank you...I do want to reply to you all but time in not permitting right now...

Please pray that Calvin's brain would heal. Pray that we would love and support him as he is. Give thanks with us for his life!


Anonymous said...

I'm thanking the Lord for him right now! Thanks so much for sharing those smiles with us. Love you guys!
Love Mary

Anonymous said...

He is such a sweetie pie! We are praying that God will use your struggles as witness to His faithfulness in your lives..... He is a kind, loving God, all knowing, understanding, and in control of all, and He so orders and directs our lives that without His will none of us can so much as move.

Thanks for sharing part of your lives with us!
Kelly and Kev

trmills said...

Hey...just checked this and feel like we have our update! I know you have much to do, so you can take my email off your list:). So good to see this sweet handsome boy and to hear that he is well. I'm sure, as you say, that giving him all the love he needs is not hard to do, especially with so many helpers! Your faithfulness is an encouragement and I will continue to pray for God's grace in the everyday, Kara.

Kate said...

What a cute little man you have. I'm very happy to read about how well he's doing so far, and we'll definitely be praying that it continues!

Unknown said...

Dear Kara, Darryl and kids,
So good to see this beautiful picture of Calvin. He's very cute and his smile is just adorable!
We continue to pray for him and give thanks that there is some development! Praise God.
Enjoy your mom's visit!
Love to all of you.
Matthew & Margo Koster.

Kara said...

Thanks friends for all of your encouraging words. It's a blessing to know others continue to bring Calvin to God in prayer.