The rat in the front of the house met it's quick and messy demise at the hands of a fearless hunter.
The hunter on the prowl.

And Sophie boosted my self-confidence with a gorgeous portrait of her parents, which apparently, are straight out of a fairytale--leggings, side ponytail, crown, and all.

Hope your day is just as amazing,
P.S. We are enjoying music from Sing the Word. I highly recommend it--it's a great memory aid and fills the mind and heart with good things! Sophie sings a little clip for you from "Sing the Word from A to Z"...
how can you put something so revolting and something so adorable on the same post kara?? :) beautiful singing sophers! i'd love to hear more sometime on skype ok? love you! aunt carly
There has to be a villain in every fairytale :).
Prince Charming to the rescue again! That was one ugly rat! Hope it didn't have a family. I just ordered review copies of SIng the Word for RHB-maybe we'll be carrying it soon. Great job, Sophie.
Eww...and Awwww...
Did he actually catch that with the shovel? I'm thankful you left out the middle section on the photographic journey of the death of the rat. I can't believe how dark Sophie's hair is...oh wait, that's because I don't see any pics of her because you never post them!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Time to feel guilty now...) Thanks for posting at least some. I haven't seen a pic of Noah now in about a year though:) Hope you're having a great day!
He did indeed kill it with the garden tool but all the remains and gore were quickly hosed away. Just in time for dinner. I'm getting on those family photos...I always post on the family blog but forget to do this one!
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