Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Look Away

Meet Greg Lucas, police officer, husband, father. Father of a disabled son. 

Watch the video below. These words have me saying, "Amen, yes! Amen." 

"God brings us to the end of ourselves, the end of our strength and wits. He destroys our pride and self-confidence in order to reveal to us His grace. Your circumstances don’t define God’s love for you. The cross defines His love for you. Your circumstances are merely used to point you towards that love. To bring you to a point of desperation where you kneel at the cross and surrender all of your strength for all of his grace."

Wrestling With An Angel from Brian Patton on Vimeo.


happygirl said...


Christiana said...

Thanks so much for sharing this! I was having a particularly hard day today..."woe is me" etc...and the testimony of this family to God's loving hand of sovereignty was a good smack to my self-centeredness.

KarenKTeachCamb said...

Thanks Kara! This is so true. In fact, I think it sums up a lot of what I've experienced over the last year. Praise God for his grace in the midst of our sinful lives. Can't do it without Him!

Rachel Amariah said...

Thank-you Kara. I needed to hear this today too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Kara! An excellent reminder that "our circumstances do not define God's love for us...THE CROSS does"! I needed to hear that today and to surrender everything I am experiencing at this time at THE CROSS, as well, believing that HIS strength is made perfect in my weakness (2Cor. 12:9) and that HE does supply every need (Philip. 4:19)! I have been blessed by you allowing me into your lives...time and time again! God is at work and I believe Darryl is right in another posting that we can only grasp a fraction of HIS greatness with our finite brains...thanks be to HIM that HE is at work in us through HIS Holy Spirit.

Loving you much!