Today we met with the eye doctor who dilated Calvin's eyes so he could observe the optic nerve and retina. With brain damage the eyesight is usually one of the first things to be affected and can give clues to the extent of damage. The doctor found that Calvin's optic nerve is very small. This could be normal for him or it could point to Septo-Optic Dysplasia syndrome. I'm so tired right now so I have no idea if that's spelled correctly. The only way to have it ruled out or confirmed is with an MRI which the doctor's have said is too risky at this point for him.
So again we need to wait. We are realizing that there is no quick answer or diagnosis. If anything, it seems we have more questions about his health than we did on day one, but there is simply not a whole lot to do but watch and wait.
In other news...
We have received quite the public attention as we go about the city with four kids. Usually people are absolutely incredulous and count the kids as we walk by, their exclamations getting more excited as each child files on by. Darryl has been told he is a "brave, brave man" and was told he must be "a very patient man." It makes us laugh, we think of four kids as a normal size family, but here it is quite something, especially since they are close in age and we have two boys and two girls.
Our entire family crowds onto the cheap version of Thai transportation...benches in the back of a pick-up truck. Darryl is becoming an expert at loading the oldest three kids in short order while I manage climbing aboard with the wee one. The trucks go the same route so you can just stand up and press the buzzer whenever you want to get off. We love riding these even though it can be very crowded. The breeze is wonderful and the price is even better, only 20 baht (about 65 cents) for the whole family to catch a ride.
Noah is ready to go home to Cambodia. Although he's impressed with the "beautiful playgrounds" he keeps asking if he can go home and play with his trains. I'm sure once we get home he'll start asking to go to the park again.
The entire time we've been here I've had my mind set that he is getting a real haircut here. Well, it hasn't happened. He is DEATHLY afraid of haircuts (the screams are so loud it really does hurt the ears) and even when I tried bribing him with a new train for his Thomas set (yes, a horrible parenting tactic), he flatly refused the bribe. I have only a few more days...I think he's going to win this one.
Sophie is excited for her first tooth to fall out. She's sure this is a sign of becoming "big".
Congratulations on Calvin. He is an adorable baby boy! We've been keeping you in prayer.
Have a safe trip back home.
~Wendy Nelson
Hello Darryl and Kara and children,
It is so nice to see the pictures.
Calvin definitely looks sweet! We will continue to lift him up to the Great Physician. Also that you all may be strengthened for the trip back to Cambodia. May God continue to uphold and bless you.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spaans
Take heart! God hears all our sighs and inward concerns, He has it all in His hands! Lean hard on Him during this perplexing and difficult time. Love your blog - will continue to pray for you all.
Love Henry and Jenny Jansen, Chilliwack
What a beautiful family! Kids are just such a blessing! (as mine are squabbling right now, but that's ok, all part of it) We're praying for strength for you guys! Take care. steph H and family
You guys really do have an adorable family...I think thats why everyone is taking pictures nonstop!:) And Calvin is such a cutie!! Children are such a blessing from the Lord! We are praying for you! May God continue to bless you and the work you are doing there.
-the Meerdink family
Prince Rupert, BC
Dear Kara & Darryl - Thank you very much for keeping us updated about your family. You are doing a wonderful job and we all appreciate it! You have such a cute baby! Calvin looks very sweet and I'm so encouraged to see that he has such bright, alert eyes. At the risk of sounding trite, please try to relax and let the Lord lead you from day to day. The brain is very amazing and capable of doing amazing things to overcome weaknesses, especially at Calvin's young age. The Lord loves you all very much and He is tenderly watching over you. "As a father pities his children....." is just one of many encouragements. I am absolutely certain that you will have exactly what you need at the time that you need it, but not before. What ever the outcome, Calvin is a very blessed little boy to be born into a family like yours. It is no surprise to me that they love to watch and photo your family. How adorable you must appear to them, espepcially that blonde, curly little girl! Our thoughts and prayers are frquently with you. Love from Pete & Lois
Kara and Daryl
Thanks so much for keeping us up-to-date with your family, especially during this time in Bangkok. What a cutie Calvin precious. Enjoy this time together and we hope you have a good trip back to Cambodia soon. May God bless you all.
Sincerely, Jim and Ruth Beeke
Leaving a comment to say that I'm following Calvin's story through your site and Kate (this is Becky, Kate's friend, formerly from Indiana?). Anyway, you all are in my prayers. Calvin might have an uphill battle but he is so precious and sweet and adorable, he will be so loved and helped through all the trials that may lie ahead. God equips us for our battles, of this I'm 100% sure. You may not feel like it every moment, but be assured that you're equipped. God is faithful and His grace covers all. I praise the Lord for Calvin's life!!! Bless you all and know you're in my family's thoughts, especially during this Christmas season.
I love all these pictures, but especially the first one- he is so handsome and precious, and it was a treat to get to snuggle with him tonight! We feel that getting to know you all has been a gift from God...happy travels back to Cambodia on Monday, and know you go with our prayers.
...and Evelyn is quite the little superstar!
Good day !.
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