Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Spiders and More

Darryl is definitely bringing action to the classroom...every day for science class he can be found hunting around the grounds for creatures of all sorts and sizes. So far I've seen an aquarium of frogs (which escaped), fish (which are thriving), bugs of every size, and the most recent addition...ten tarantulas. I've posted a picture of them below. Apparently the top didn't stay on too well (it was plastic wrap with books anchoring it???!) and after devotions this morning Darryl counted the spiders and found FIVE of the ten were missing. Let's just say that the classroom was evacuated rather speedily. All five spiders were found and returned to a container...then as one student was holding the can while Darryl put the spiders in he dropped the entire container leaving Darryl chasing after ten spiders. End of story...the spiders are gone and the poor teacher that shares the same classroom with Darryl is very leary of anything he brings in the classroom.

Darryl settling the kids down after the excitement with the spiders.

Here's some of the spiders when they were IN the aquarium.

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